Development Roadmap

Have an idea or request? Email your idea to

2022 Q2

Rebel Science Launch

Wow ! This has been years in the making. It’s actually our 3rd version before even logging a single data point! Congrats team. Rebel Science is an awesome labor of love.

2022 Q3

Survey Instructions

Edit and Save the Survey Instructions each participant will see before beginning the Survey. Below the instructions provided by the organization, we’ll be including the following transparency language:

No identifiable information is collected in this survey.
No information is mined from your browser, device or other apps.
We leave one cookie that indicates you have completed this survey.

The Rebel.Science platform in no way shares
, distributes or sells survey data.
If you have any other questions, concerns or feedback. Please email us

2023 Q4

Another Make Over

Major project-wide makeover. Now that we have a solid understanding of what Rebel Science is going to be, time to make it easy to use and master. No bit of structure, layout, image, text or communication was safe from this revision. Usability, we are coming for you and nothing can stop us.

2023 Q1

And now there is Support

Scaling up users means scaling up support. We now have help requests and tracking for the project admins.

Instagram Templates

Edit and Save prebuilt Instagram templates for project results. This feature will be available on the Share your Survey, Share your Results and Collaborate with your Partners pages.

2023 Q2


Our first prototype had counters, but non-profits didn’t know what we were talking about when we were describing time-based and location-based data. You orgs have gotten your multiple-choice questions so we are putting Counters back in.

2023 Q3

Map Building v1!

Participants will be able to log locations on maps.

2023 Q4

Google My Business integration with Map Building

We’ll be able to use a participant’s location to help them select relevant businesses near them. You’ll see.